Role of IL-4 and Ig-E in aetiopathogenesis of pityriasis alba (PA) is questionable.
To assess the serum IL-4 and Ig-E levels in pityriasis alba patients.
Patients & Methods:
Thirty patients with pityriasis alba (group I) (n=30) and thirty volunteers (group II) completed the study (n=30). IL-4 and Ig-E were measured in patients’ sera with enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA).
There was statistically significant correlation between IL-4 and PA which points to the role of Th2 and IL-4 in pathogenesis of PA. There was no statistically significance between Ig-E and either PA or IL-4 level.
Imbalance of IL-4 level may play a critical role in pathogenesis of PA. Changed balance of IL-4 level may be related to the genetic background of patients, and adds more evidence to the association of PA and atopic dermatitis.